Frequently Asked Questions

New Instructor Change

For Graduate and Professional Studies, contact Anita Rodriguez at 559-453-3449 or

  • Teacher Preparation
  • Student Services and Leadership
  • Business
  • Health Sciences (Nursing/Kinesiology)
  • Social Work
  • Seminary

For Arts and Sciences, contact Mayra Rios at 559-453-5559 or

  • Ministry, Biblical & Theological, Philosophy
  • Fine Arts and Humanities
  • Social Science
  • STEM

Choosing a New LMS

Why are we moving to Canvas?

To bring us more in line with our students’ experience using a learning management system (LMS) and to take advantage of a modern, dynamic platform. In making this decision, we are following the lead of many of our peer institutions who have recently adopted Canvas as their campus learning management system. 

What is the timetable for the transition?

We are moving forward with an aggressive timeline so that our students are served well. By summer 2024 participating programs will offer their courses on Canvas. By fall 2024 all courses will be on Canvas.

Migrating from Moodle to Canvas

Will Moodle courses be moved to Canvas?

Yes. Courses are being bulk-migrated from Moodle to Canvas. Courses offered in Summer and Fall 2024 are migrated during late Spring 2024. Courses offered in Spring 2025 will be migrated in Summer and Fall 2024.

What will be migrated?

Program directors, in consultation with their faculty, have identified the Moodle courses for inclusion in the bulk migration. In many cases the Master course will be migrated; in other cases individual instructor courses will be migrated. Instructors should consult with their program directors about which courses are migrated. 

Will students and instructors have to use two systems during the transition?

Students and instructors may have to use Moodle and Canvas in different classes during the summer 2024 transition period.  

Is Colleague integrated with Canvas?

Colleague will be integrated with Canvas for courses and enrollments like Moodle. We are still finalizing this part of the project. 

Access to Canvas

When will I start teaching in Canvas?

Courses will start being offered on Canvas as of Summer 2024. By Fall 2024, all courses will be offered on Canvas. 


Ending Moodle Access

How long will I have access to my courses in Moodle?

Faculty and students will have access to their Moodle courses until Fall 2024. At that point, Moodle will no longer be available for teaching. We encourage students and faculty to download and save any materials they would like to keep. NOTE: Faculty will be able to retrieve their Moodle course content after this time from a course archive location.